Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Gee article contained good amount of learning principles that good games have. I myself have been playing video games from a very young and ever since have been a big fan of them. Especially today, I see more and more children from the age of 5 to10 all have handheld consoles. Video games and gaming seem to be growing every year and finding a way to make learning more game-like would be a great idea to get students into learning.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Game: Play: Simulation

I think the most common way we use the word play is when we want to engage in some sort of activity, like sports, board game, video games. However the word play has more then one use and can be used different ways. The word play can refer to a stage play that consists of dialogue and characters for any type of performance. Play is also used in sports like American football, there are offensive and defensive plays, for an offensive play the play usually starts when the quarterback is hiked the ball and the play ends once the ball has failed to gain yards, intercepted, downed. The word play is also used for music, like radio stations often play music and listeners often have requests to play their favorite song.
When we use the word game I tend to hear it used as an activity or video game, and could also be used as slang. I would commonly describe game to something you play and involves competition but it also has many other meanings. Hunting animals or people can also be called a game which in reality is not cool :/ but then again there was a childhood game I would play in my neighborhood called Man Hunt which was pretty fun and no it was not violent. I use the word game for short for "game over" when I'm playing sports I mostly use it in handball. People often use the word game to measure how smooth you are with the ladies/opposite sex. Game can also mean that you are willing to do something. How do I know if I see a game would probably be if I saw any sort of entertainment like having some sort of challenge in a game.
A simulation is a copy of something real like a flight simulation, marine simulation, computer simulations usually used for testing or training safely. A simulation is a substitute of the real thing, like a computer simulation can make some of the things we think is impossible become possible. However it is often used for testing and training.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Matrix

The Matrix was a great action movie and I liked all the sequels however I didn’t really notice how it was related how much symbolism was related to the movie more of a Christian symbolism. So I never really watched the movie relating it to Christianity. Dr. Smith told us in class the day we watched the film to notice these things and helped up notice most of them. Some examples of these symbols were the names of the characters like Neo which means new in Greek and if you rearrange the letters in Neo it can spell out One. There are other names that had meaning to them like Trinity which is related to Christian theology and that one can receive eternal life through Trinity related to the Matrix when she revives Neo with a kiss. Morpheus also had some symbolic meaning and in Greek he’s the god of dreams, there are a few lines in The Matrix where Morpheus talks about dreams one of them being “Your living in a dream world, Neo”, Morpheus also has a ship called Nebuchadnezzar which in the bible is a king haunted by bad dreams. The place we see Neo the first time in his apartment #101 which means beginner, kind of related to manuals and courses just like our English 101 class! Following the White rabbit was also mentioned to Neo where he follows it to a dance club where he meets Trinity for the first time and sets him to a new life which is related to Alice in Wonderland, there is also some mirror scene that symbolizes there’s no way back to your old time similar to Alice. There are many more symbolic meanings in the movie and how much it relates to many other things, like Allegory of the Cave that we’ve read. The Matrix is very similar in the case of Allegory of the Cave, like how the Matrix is all a fluke and the people in the Matrix are prisoners and are being brainwashed. Then suddenly one breaks loose of this chains and sees reality which happens in the Allegory and for Neo in the Matrix. Both stories relate how on you must gather knowledge to overcome the ignorance or brainwashing system.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Hey everyone, my names Nermin and this is my "chill spot', welcome! To start off I’m 20 year's old and this is my 3rd semester in LaGuardia. I took this same course last semester and messed up due to being very irresponsible and procrastinating on many assignments so I’m taking the course over to make up the grades. I don’t intend to make the same mistakes I’ve done last semester so it’s about time I manned up and take school a bit more seriously now.
With that said I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone this semester and lets try and make this semester an enjoyable experience. :)